2003 – Overview
The big news is the inclusion of the
subcategory Health Law (SP9) in the Public Health category (SP). VHL indexers and users
now count with this new addition to
optimize indexing and searching in this specific subject area. It amounts
to a total of 146 descriptors, 62 of
which are new.
Other news
1250 descriptors MeSH added:
623 descriptors related to plants, 251 new drugs. Three new MeSH
subcategories were also created: Integumentary System (A17), Genetic Phenomena (G13) and Genetic Structures (G14);
93 MeSH descriptors
substituted with more up-to-date terminology;
20 MeSH descriptors eliminated;
1727 synonyms added in MeSH
more than 300 synonyms added
in Homeopathy and Public Health;
1 qualifier ( /ethics );
24 descriptors added in
Homeopathy (HP).
Upper/lower case
In 2002 DeCS started to use upper and
lower case in the new terms for the purpose of standardization with MeSH,
which also began to use these characters a year or two earlier, instead of
just the upper case until then. In 2003, the same was done for the changed
Now, one of the DeCS projects is that of
transforming terms from previous years in the same manner and the insertion
of accents (diacritics) in the Spanish terms which in upper case lack these